jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Binge Drinking Last Task 2014!

what things have alcohol?

 The beer, the wine and the strong liquor contain alcohol. If you are drinking any of them, it is consuming alcohol. It is possible that his bosses of consumption of alcohol change as with whom it is and what it is doing.

what is the risk consuming alcohol?

The long consumption of alcohol increases the probability of: Bled of the esophagus (the conduit that connects the throat with the stomach) or of the stomach. Inflammation and hurts in the pancreas. The pancreas produces substances that the body needs to work well. I damage to the liver. When it is serious, often it leads to the death. Malnutrition. Cancer of esophagus, liver, colon, head and neck, breasts and other areas.

How can the consumption of alcohol affect his life?

To worsen these problems with the time. To cause problems of dream or to worsen them. To increase the risk of suicide.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

steroid use in sports

The story of steroid use in soorts began just before the world weight lifting Champions ship of 1954, the soviets had made their olimpic debut in 1952, that wasn't, however, the first time anabolic performance Enhancement had been antermpted as for back as the original olimpic games in ancient greece, athletes ingested recurses herbs and foods with the hopes of improving their performance, the big vinemes in the 480B.C olimpic games in 1957
The use of performances -drugs (PEDs) has had a long history at the Olimpics games. Its origins can be traced back to the Ancient olimpics where Olympians would eat lizard meat prepared a special way, in the hopes that it would give them an athletic edge. The first documented use of drugs to improve an athlete's performance was the winner of the 1904 marathon, Thomas Hicks  who was injected with Strychine. The use of performance-enhancing medication has also been attributed to one death during Olympic competition. As rumors of rampant drug use by athletes began to spreadso International Olimpics Competition (IOC) decided to act. By 1967, the IOC had banned the use of performance enhancing drugs in Olympic competition. The IOC introduced the first drug use  controls at the 1968 winter olimpics.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Article about teen health issue 🍺

i think that alcohol is an important and entertaining topic to discass ways on how we consume it as young conuners and  the consequences that they have, also the prople that drinks a lot, during young people can damage a young person as children or a eldu people accidentaly.

Certainly, children affects the population, it is a kind of drug that you can not leave and you addicted, also the risks, many people don't think about the negative side of drinking altough they think about the possibility of getting drunk, they may not give much consideration to being hung - over or throwing up.

The poisenig of the alcohol, the consecuences are extreme confusion, inability to be awakened, vomiting, seizunes, slow or irregular heathing low body temperature, bluish or pale skim, this ones are the most life - threaling consequences of binge drinking, when rompone drinks too much and gets alcohol poisuning, it affects the body's involuntary reflexes, people who are drink also take other risks they night not normally take when they're also is important the phisical health, also studies show that people who drink throughout high school are more likely to be overweight and have high blood presume by the time they are 24. Just one regular beer contains about 150 calories, which adds up to a lot of calories if some one drinks four or five beers a night, the alcoholism of some studies have three or more episodes of binge - drink heacilng - these who have three or more episodes of binge drinking in 2 weeks- have some of the symptoms of alcoholism.

Also people binge a lot of siquor, bars, and alcoholic boverage campaines make drinking attrsctive and fun. It,s easy for a high school student toget caught up in a social scence with lots of peer presure.. PLEASE DO NOT DRINK

Bibliography for article about "health issues"
"Dowashen, 5 (204) Binge drinking. retrieved from http:// kidsheath.org/teen/drugandalcohol/alcohol/binge_drink.html"

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014


Obesity is a problem that recent years has evolved drama tically, a high percentage of the population is over weight, specially young children or those who have more problems with obesity, because ther eat poorly, eating food that is not healthy. Also helps a lot to have obecity when a person  is not educated by their parents then, no one can control what they eat, after they begin to have consequence and diseases, the disease is something complicated for than can even cast you your life you can cat these fingers to even the legs, and then with this disease are more diseases. Finally al diseases are by not eating healthy, as many young people are with obesity innUnited States, where 80% of teens are obese.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Manorexia Activity

What is Manorexia? 

Anorexia is a term that refers to males suffering from the eating disorder, anorexia nervosa. Manorexia is not an official medical term, but is often referred to by the media in medical reports.Anorexia nervosa, or simply anorexia, is a psychological eating disorder that causes people to diet beyond control.

In 50 words, summarize the reasons why manorexiain on the rise.

a big reason the numbers are increasing is that men are now being properly diagnosed. A huge obstacle for doctors has been that the symptoms of eating disorders among men are slightly different than for women, which are so well known by now that in can be fairly easy to diagnose women.

Why is it difficult to identify manorexics?

Its difficult to identify manorexics beacause is difficukt to know if a person eats good or bad product and that their bodies get used to eating that kind of food and when they are adults begin with diseases

What does the text say about overweight children and athletes in relation to eating disorders?

Certain risk factors for developing an eating disorder are specific to men. Men who were teasted as children for being overweight and athletes who must maintain a certain weight for enhanced performance are more at risk of developing

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014


I wrote a letter letter about language and cultural identity, or self - identity, I wrote this letter in a special day, on my birthday, in fact was a birthday gift I gave me, explain my situation and feel with my dad. It was written with different tones: angry, serious and clear, and  this letter is addressed to my dad. In my letter I tried to use formal language (1st person) whit phrases like "that's why we want you to understand that as your children have suffered, that is I write, because it is not easy to live when you're not home all week"

I tried as well to use a technical level of vocabulary whit word choices like "to terminate this words" and "one of my problems with you is that your job does not last more than 10 years in a country..." Using these elements I feel I reached my purpose of making readers reflect upon the importance

I chose a letter to do this because I felt that in this way I could I could best express what I learned from the topics we studied in this unit and I can learn and  explain this with a letter. (200 words)

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014

Diary Entry

It is not very easy to change of city and to come to a different culture where one speaks differently, in the year 1977, I went away, a culture and ways of speaking different to England people, in England, you fight in the street , there different language and forms of  behavior differently, for  usa families to find jobs, and collage is complicated, we had to come here for more opportunities we had to come here, y believe that we do not go away to be able to be accustomed so well like we thought but undoubtedly to be going spend in better of I reduce and the economic parts was improving, probably, the children adapt to the new college, barn litter the language of here and me like that will  be able to be more calm as family.

Stefano Romeo

jueves, 3 de julio de 2014



Speech Harrison Bergeron

Why I wanted to become the Emperor? Why I had to try to become the Emperor of my country? Well, In this speech I will answer these questions. Now, I'll just say that differences are natural and good in any group, for each and everyone.

A group where no differences are admissible can't be any good... So tries to tell us the story about , and I will explain you why I deserved to rule my society.

First, I wanted, I needed to be the Emperor , because I had the attributes to rule everybody else. In fact, the story tell us I was a genius, athlete and very handsome 14 years old young man. How can all this good things could be dangerous? 

No way, t I would use this advantages to be the Emperor.

Besides, changing the Constitution made individual freedom impracticable which is absurd and I did try to get back to citizens liberty and good laws to improve individuals qualities. This is why I got rid of my handicaps. Government weren't good leaders, I would be.

Moreover, I believed every person is different in many ways. Differences and not equalities helps the world to be a better place to live in. So, I wanted to fight to make inequality come out of people until people achieve the best from their differences.
Life can be much interesting if we all are special and unique. Differences increase diversity, respect and tolerance.

Therefore, I could be the Emperor because I was the best, because the United States Handicapper General didn't know what was right and how to be a fine ruler of my country, and because differences are much more than good, are great and neccesary:

Installing the handicaps to some people showed the differences the Government made.
Going against nature will never, ever work..!

martes, 24 de junio de 2014

McDonald's Reports


To be able to supply the demand of meat and Mcdonalds's paper, big surfaces of jungle are devastated, to cultivate soybean to feed cattle and eucalyptuses to do cajitas happy and glasses and tablecloths, as consequence of this every year eliminates a surface of the size of Great Britain (219.000 km2) of tropical jungle.

 The hamburgers that produce have 48 % of water and the lettuces are treated by 11 different types of chemists. Due to the great quantity of probabilities that exists with that the meat contaminates, big doses of antibiotics are injected to the animals.

 The great extension of lands used for the ranching and agriculture on the part of the multinational prevents that the lands are used for the autochthonous cultures, which the hunger would help to mitigate in these countries.

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Developed in the documentary

                   We haven't understood that we are depleting what nature provides

Undoubtedly to end we could not have assimilated what the nature to in view of, since we report it in classes today, the people do not value the things that the nature itself delivers us, already it is the vegetation, the air, the Sun, I believe that there are persons as me who not only worry about voting for the garbage where it corresponds, but for example when one has a shower it spends too many water, when someone washes the teeth leaves the water running, when the persons are renewing to every moment the water of his swimming pools or simply also people who leaves the water to run without motives, when in a few years more the water is going to skimp and later we will remain without the second resource mas important that exists in the land, me as young woman towards called the youth specially to that they were taking care what we have and what.

159 words

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Malaysia Airlines

22nd Of April, 2014

Mr Director CNN,

Good evenings, the motive for writing this letter, is a claim, a lack of respect. According to my point of view, it is not possible that you as company CNN, say things that do not have real sources, lack of respect with the families that they him believe to you what indeed spent with the Malaysia Airlines lost in the ocean maybe sources they say that it was a mistake of the pilot or probably mechanical faults or for that not a terrorist attempt.

 I invite them as company to investigate these facts, having algun I base and not only to speak for speaking, probably to be the channel more I dress.

 Also they play with the feelings of the relatives, which do not know where estan his persons, that it could have happened to them, if estan alive or estan dead men, if they were murdered or only it was an accident I invite them to think


Stefano Romeo Hughes

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Aplication Politics

1-. Where will you publish you ad? Why did you choose that source?

My ad I publish in a comercial on facebook. I choose these because is more economic.

2-. What is the message that you want to transmit?

That this is the best product of the year, all of the right side can be used

3-. Who will be your target audience?

All the people of the right side, specially Politics

4-. What stereotype will you use? Why will you use it? What does this stereotype represent?

A aplications for all politics man only UDI or RN, i choose this stereotype because the Right have more money.

5-. What rhetoric device (s) will you use? Ethos, Pathos or Logos? Why did you choose this/these rhetoric device(s)? How will they be present in your advertisement?

Ethos because I choose a Important people that can use this Aplication, Sebastian Piñera.

6-. What will be your slogan? What kind of images will you use? What will be your ad loyout? Why? Sketch your design in the box on the right.

The best phone of the year, images that have a lot of resolution and a lot of information of important politics people.