martes, 24 de junio de 2014

McDonald's Reports


To be able to supply the demand of meat and Mcdonalds's paper, big surfaces of jungle are devastated, to cultivate soybean to feed cattle and eucalyptuses to do cajitas happy and glasses and tablecloths, as consequence of this every year eliminates a surface of the size of Great Britain (219.000 km2) of tropical jungle.

 The hamburgers that produce have 48 % of water and the lettuces are treated by 11 different types of chemists. Due to the great quantity of probabilities that exists with that the meat contaminates, big doses of antibiotics are injected to the animals.

 The great extension of lands used for the ranching and agriculture on the part of the multinational prevents that the lands are used for the autochthonous cultures, which the hunger would help to mitigate in these countries.

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