viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Vocabulary review

  1. Steroid:  any of a large group of fat-soluble organic compounds, as the sterolsbile acids, and sex hormones, most of which have specificphysiological action
  2. Purging: to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.
  3. Binge:a period or bout, usually brief, of excessive indulgence, as in eating,drinking alcoholic beverages, etc.; spree.
  4. Obesity: the condition of being very fat or overweight; corpulence:
  5. Anorexia: loss of appetite and inability to eat.
  6. Bulimia: Also called hyperphagiaPathology. abnormally voracious appetiteor unnaturally constant hunger.
  7. Manorexia: A term that has been used to refer to anorexia nervosa in males. This is not an officially recognized medical term but has been frequently used in media reports. See also anorexia nervosa.
  8. Bigorexia : A mental disorder characterized by a normal person's obsession with animagined defect in physical appearance;
  9. Body dysmorphic disordera:  mental disorder characterized by distorted body image andobsessions about perceived physical shortcomings.

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